An irreverent take on gardening in the Midwest by a frequently disgruntled gardener.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Finally, a Bit of Winter

At last, it snowed!  How lovely is that?

Plus, it almost disguises all the shit I left undone last fall.

Putting the garden to bed is such a misnomer--it makes it sound peaceful and sleepy, with connotations of warm milk and Dr. Seuss.  For me, it's a traumatic event that forces me to confront all my failures as a gardener.  I'll do anything to avoid that, and, fortunately, I have lots of excuses in the fall to help me avoid cleaning up the yard.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Seriously? This is What February in Wisconsin Looks Like Now?

I took these photos on the 16th.  Snowdrops are definitely an early spring bulb, but this seems a bit crazy, and I've also got daffodil shoots.  I suppose it's possible that snowdrops always pop up this early but are harder to see underneath a foot or two of snow, but that also suggests that there is some sort of issue with our climate.  We've had no real sustained snow cover this year at all; they had to truck in snow for our annual winter festival this weekend.