An irreverent take on gardening in the Midwest by a frequently disgruntled gardener.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Documenting the Global Warming Apocalypse

Here are all the things that are up in my garden, which really shouldn't be.

Bleeding Hearts, Already in Bloom

Lungwort, Also Blooming


The Scylla is Actually Past its Prime Already


Frittilaria, Not Blooming, but Quite Tall

Ligularia and Hosta, Already Up

Brunnera, Fully Blooming

One About-To-Bloom Primrose

Ditto for this Tulip
This is just an insane state of affairs for March 25.  Our last frost date is around May 9, so there's a good chance that this stuff will all get zapped by one chilly night.


  1. Hi there, I can relate to your post, we are in the middle of May and here in Malta we are already seeing tempertaures 5 degrees higher than normal. Our plants are trying to flourish but they are drying out so quickly, I can't stop watering them poor things.

  2. It's almost been a year, the apocalypse seems to have passed.
