An irreverent take on gardening in the Midwest by a frequently disgruntled gardener.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Totally Useless Herbs

In the spring, when I'm filled with optimism about all the fabulous cooking I'm going to do with all the wonderful vegetables I'm going to grow, it's really easy to buy a bunch of different herbs that I have no idea how to use.  After all, they're only $2.69 each!  Of course, most of the summer it's hot, and who wants to cook elaborate and unfamiliar meals then?

Now that it's early fall it's time to face reality, and realize that there was never a chance in hell I was going to use Winter Savory, Summer Savory, or all that Marjoram that seemed like such a good idea months ago.

To be perfectly frank, I even grew way more basil than I needed.  It's possible that I'll make pesto with the woody shrubs my basil plants have become and freeze it to use all winter.  It's also possible that I'll finish cleaning out my closet, organize my files at work, and re-alphabetize the cd collection.  Possible, but not bloody likely.

Next spring I'm going to plant rosemary, thyme, parsley, no more than four five basil plants, and possibly a succession of cilantro, if I can keep it from going to seed for more than ten minutes.  Those are the herbs we really use, all the rest are just culinary porn.

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